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Bylaws of the Second Congregational Church United Church of Christ

North Beverly, Massachusetts

Approved December 14, 2003


Article I - Name

The name of this Church shall be the Second Congregational Church (United Church of Christ) of Beverly, Massachusetts.


Article II - Purpose

The avowed purpose of this Church shall be to worship God, to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ, and to celebrate the Sacraments; to realize Christian fellowship arid unity within this Church and the Church Universal; to render loving service toward humankind; and to strive for righteousness, justice and peace.


Article III - Polity Section

1. This Church shall be a part of the United Church of Christ. Section

2. The government of this Church is vested in its members, who exercise the right of control in all Its affairs, subject, however, to applicable laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts relating to ecclesiastical corporations.


Article IV - Faith and Covenant Faith

Faith- This Church acknowledges as its sole head, Jesus Christ, the son or God and our Savior. It acknowledges as brothers and sisters in Christ all who share in this confession. It looks to the Word of God in the Scriptures, and to the presence and power of the Holy Spirit, to prosper its creative and redemptive work in the world. It claims as its own the faith of the historic Church expressed in the ancient creeds and reclaimed in the basic insights of the Protestant reformers. It affirms the responsibility of the Church in each generation to make this faith its own. In accordance with the teaching of our Lord and the practice prevailing among evangelical Christians, it recognizes two Sacraments: Baptism, and The Lord's Supper or Holy Communion.


An expression of this faith may be found in the Statement of Faith adopted by the United Church of Christ in 1959 and revised in 1976.


Covenant - We covenant one with another to seek and respond to the Word and Will of God. We purpose to walk together in the ways of the Lord, made known and to be made known to us. We hold it to be the mission of the church to witness to the gospel of Jesus Christ in all the world, while worshipping God, and striving for truth, justice, and peace. As did our forebears, we depend on the Holy Spirit to lead and empower us. We pray for the coming of the kingdom of God, and we look with faith toward the triumph of righteousness and eternal life. Second Congregational Church has become a covenant partner with the Open-Door United Church of Christ of Salem, Massachusetts.


 Article V - Safe Church

As a part of the Body of Christ, Second Congregational Church of Beverly is called to follow Jesus Christ's example of respect for the integrity and dignity of all persons. This is summed up in Jesus' Great Commandment to love God with heart, soul, mind and strength, and to love others as ourselves (Luke 10:27). To follow this commandment is to pursue love, safety, peace and security for all who come within the reaches of our ministries. The Safe Church Policies and Procedures of Second Congregational Church of Beverly require its members to provide sanctuary for persons of all ages who are entrusted to its care. They also protect those who have responsibilities as leaders and teachers.


Article VI - Membership

Section 1 - Acceptance. Full and affiliate membership in this Church shall be open to any person who has been baptized and makes public confession of faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Membership is open to all without regard to race or color. As a usual procedure, young people of high school age will be received as full members of the Church upon satisfactory completion of the course of study offered in the Confirmation Class. Prospective members, on approval of the Pastor(s) and Board of Deacons, shall be voted on by the congregation during a worship service of the Church.


Section 2 - Duties. Full and affiliate members shall pledge themselves to attend the regular worship of the Church and the celebration of The Lord’s Supper; to live the Christian life; to share in the life and work of the Church; to contribute to its support and benevolences; and to seek diligently the spiritual welfare of the membership and the community. Section


3 - Rights. Full and affiliate members, in good standing, having met the qualifications and fulfilled the duties described hereinbefore, may act and vote in all transactions as entered at duly called meetings of the Church.


Anyone may attend and participate in the meetings of any standing boards and committees. Only board and committee members who have been duly elected to such board or committee in accordance with Article XII of these by-laws have the right to vote in the actions of such groups.


Section 4—Termination.

(a) By Letter of Withdrawal. A full member in good standing may on request be granted a letter of transfer, or be released from membership. The Clerk may complete these actions on behalf of the Church.


(b) By Retirement. Members whose addresses have long been unknown or who for a period of two years, in spite of kindly reminders, have not communicated with the Church or contributed to its support may, with concurrence of the Pastor(s), Clerk, and Treasurer, be transferred to the inactive list, inactive members do not have the right to vote at any Church meeting. 


(c) By exclusion. If a member persistently breaches his or her covenant vows, the Board of Deacons, after due notice has been given to the member, a hearing before the Church Council has been offered to the member, and faithful efforts have been made to bring the member to amendment in accordance with the law of Christ, may censure the member, or suspend or terminate the membership. If the member wishes, the question of censure of suspension may be taken to the whole Church. Any person whose membership has been terminated may for good and sufficient reasons be restored to membership by a vote of the Church.


(d) The Status of Affiliate Members will be reviewed annually at a February meeting of the Board of Deacons and may be terminated in accordance with this section. Article VII - Governing Body The governing body of this Church shall be the membership assembled in church meeting. The vote of a majority of members present shall be the action of the Church, unless specified otherwise by these bylaws. A quorum shall consist of 25 full members.


Article VIII - Officers and Duties The operations of Second Congregational Church shall be carried out and directed, in part, by 8 elected officers, described below. The officers of the Church shall all be full members. Neither the Senior Pastor nor the Associate Pastor may serve as an officer. With the exception of the Safe Church Advocate, whose term is 3 years, each officer's term shall be one year and shall commence immediately following the annual meeting. The officers of this Church shall be:


(1) Moderator. The Moderator shall preside at all business meetings of the Church and have general oversight of the organization. The Moderator shall appoint delegates and committees as the need arises beyond those elected as provided by these bylaws and may, with the advice of the Nominating Committee, make interim appointments between business meetings. The Moderator shall be chairperson of the Church Council and a member of the Prudential Board.


(2) Assistant Moderator. The assistant moderator shall preside at all business meetings of the Church in the absence of the Moderator; shall be a member of the Church Council, the Prudential Board, and the Scholarship Committee; and shall carry out the Moderator's duties during any absence or disability.


(3) Clerk. The Clerk shall provide for the keeping of a complete record of all business meetings of the Church, the Church Council, and the Prudential Board, and shall be a member of the Church Council and the Prudential Board. He/she shall keep a register of the Church members' names, with dates of their 4 admission, transfer, or death. He/she shall issue letters of transfer of membership, preserve on file all communications and written official reports, and give legal notice of all meetings where such notice is required by these bylaws, and complete and submit Conference reports.


(4) Assistant Clerk. The Assistant Clerk shall be a member of the Church Council and the Prudential Board. The Assistant Clerk shall assist the Clerk in the general work of that office, and carry out the Clerk's duties during any absence or disability.


(5) Treasurer. The treasurer shall have charge of all funds belonging to the Church, shall disburse budgeted and available funds for Church expenditures as provided in the budget and with the approval of the Prudential Board, and shall disburse funds raised for missions at the direction of the Missionary Committee. He/she shall be bonded for an amount to be established by the Prudential Board. He/she shall submit a written financial report, audited by the Auditing Committee, at the annual meeting of the Church. The Treasurer shall be a member of the Church Council, the Prudential Board, and the Investment Advisum. The Treasurer may designate one or more Collectors to assist in keeping a tally of monies received.


(6) Two Assistant Treasurers. The Assistant Treasurers shall assist the Treasurer and carry out the Treasurer's duties during his/her absence or disability. They may be bonded in sums fixed by the Prudential 3 Board. They shall be members of the Church Council, the Prudential Board, and the Scholarship Committee.


(7) Historian. The Historian shall keep a record of all noteworthy events of the Church and its various organizations, ensure the collection and preservation of programs and materials of vital interest in the life of the Church, and file such materials and records as are not kept by the Clerk. He/she shall be a member of the Church Council.


(8) Sate Church Advocate. The Safe Church Advocate shall be a member of the Church who has cleared a CORl (Criminal Offender Record Information) check and who meets the requirements of an Authorized Supervisor, as that term is defined in the Policies and Procedures for a Safe Church. The Safe Church Advocate shall chair the Safe Church Committee, which is appointed by the Council; coordinate implementation of the Policies and Procedures for a Safe Church; receive and submit to the Safe Church Committee an incident Report Form>; and report any reportable incidents to a mandated reporter. All the duties of the Safe Church Advocate are further detailed in the Policies and Procedures for a Safe Church, which is on file in the Church office. The Safe Church Advocate may be elected for not more than two consecutive terms.

A person shall be ineligible for reelection as Safe Church Advocate for three years following service of two consecutive terms.


Article IX- Pastors and Directors of Music and Christian Education

Section 1. A Pastor shall be chosen and called by the Congregation at a duly constituted meeting; a majority vote of the members present is required. In the Call, the terms of the relationship shall be stated, including such matters as salary and allowances, pensions, hospitalization insurance, housing, and period of vacation. A formal answer by letter shall be made, and when the Church and Pastor so wish, installation may be conducted by the Association.


The pastor shall become a full member of this Church, and shall have all the rights and privileges due a member in good standing. The Pastor shall have in special charge the welfare of the Church and the pastoral care of the people. The Pastor shall preach the Gospel; have in care all services of public worship; administer the Sacraments; provide direction for the Assistant or Associate Pastor; and have general supervision over the whole organization of the Church. The Pastor shall be ex-officio a member of all standing boards and committees. Termination of these duties by either the Congregation or Pastor may be exercised by 90-days’ notice in writing. When the position of Pastor is, or is to become vacant, a Pastoral Supply Committee, representative of both officers and members-at-large, shall be appointed by the Moderator to screen candidates and make a formal recommendation to the Congregation for their final approval. Advice of the pertinent board or committee of the United Church of Christ may be sought, and the Conference Executive and Association shall be kept informed.


Section 2. An Assistant or Associate Pastor may be chosen; general provisions noted above under Pastor shall apply in this case also. In addition, although the Assistant or Associate Pastor shall be ultimately responsible to the Church, in particular regarding tenure, he/she shall function within the direction of the Pastor, and may share with the Pastor the preaching, the calling and the administrative work of the Church. He/she shall be ex-officio a member of ail standing boards and committees.


Section 3. A Director of Music may be chosen by the Congregation at a duly constituted meeting, upon the recommendation of a committee appointed by the Moderator, He/she shall be responsible to the Congregation, through the Board of Deacons and the Music Committee. He/she shall plan the music program of the Church in consultation with the Music Committee and the Board of Deacons. Section


4. A Director of Christian Education may be chosen by the Congregation at a duly constituted meeting, upon the recommendation of a committee appointed by the Moderator. The Director of Christian Education shall be responsible to the Congregation, through the Board of Deacons and the Board of Christian Education and shall plan and direct the Christian Education program, in cooperation with the pastor(s), the Board of ' Christian Education and the Board of Deacons.


Article X- Groups. Organizations and Affiliations

Section 1. Church Council.

The Church Council shall consist of the Church Officers, the Pastor(s), the Director of Music, the Director of Christian Education, Deacons, the chairpersons of all other standing Boards and committees, 6 delegates, representatives, the president or designated representative of all other auxiliary units organized within the Church, three members-at-large and two youth members. The three members-atlarge and two youth members shall all be members of the Church. One member-at-large shall be elected at each annual meeting to serve for three years, with overlapping terms. Members-at-large shall be eligible for reelection only after the interval of one year. Youth members shall be elected at each annual meeting and shall serve for one year.


The Moderator shall serve as chairperson of the Council and shall call its meetings. A minimum of seven council members shall constitute a quorum. Announcement in the church calendar of the worship service prior to the meeting is sufficient notice. The Council shall meet at least three times during the church year.


The Council shall be the representative body of the Church and shall function in a coordinating, planning, and advisory capacity; making recommendations on policies, projects, or administration, when necessary, to the various organizations, boards and committees of the Church, or to the Congregation. It shall have the power to take a decisive vote on all matters not otherwise delegated by these bylaws.


The Council shall appoint a Safe Church Committee as outlined in the Policies and Procedures for a Safe Church (on file in the Church office).


When the Council does not meet, its function as pertains to coordinating and planning between boards and committees may be administered by a Program Coordinating Committee consisting of the Moderator, Pastor(s), chairpersons of all standing boards and committees and any other persons the Moderator may ask to attend and participate. This committee shall meet at the call of the chairperson, who shall be the Moderator. This committee shall have no other powers than to provide a means of coordination between the programs of the various boards and committees.


Section 2. Church Boards and Committees

The ongoing operations of Second Congregational Church shall generally be directed by four Boards and nine Standing Committees. To aid in communication and to simplify operations, the Standing Committees of the Church shall each be aligned with one of the four Boards or the Church Council, as detailed further below. This alignment is designed to assist both the Boards and Committees in communicating and carrying out their respective duties.


The Boards are generally charged with directing the Church's overarching philosophy of Mission, Stewardship and Worship. The Standing Committees each have a more directed focus and are charged with a single aspect of the life of the Church. The Boards and their respective aligned Committees are described in more detail as follows:


 (A) Board of Deacons

The Board of Deacons shall consist of not more than 18 full members of the Church. At least six Deacons shall be elected each year at the annual meeting for a term of three years. A person shall be ineligible for reelection for one year after serving a full term.


The Board of Deacons shall work closely with the Pastor(s) in the following areas of church life: worship, the spiritual life of the members, new members, membership maintenance, visitation, bereavement, and pastoral relations.


Their duties will include making recommendations to the Prudential Board regarding salaries and other financial benefits of the Pastor(s), the Director of Music and the Director of Christian Education. They shall elect their own chairperson following the annual meeting. They may form subcommittees as needed, and shall encourage full congregational participation in the life of the Church. A member of the Board shall be designated as ex-officio a member of the Music Committee.


The Board of Deacons shall be responsible for the general oversight and communication with the following Committees:


     (i) Music Committee. A Music Committee shall consist of a minimum of five persons, two or three elected at each annual meeting to serve       for two years. The President of the Choir and a representative from the Board of Deacons shall be members ex-officio. The committee shall         be responsible for and have direction of the music program of the Church, including sharing supervision with the Board of Deacons of the           Director of Music, training of the voice and handbell choirs and care of the musical instruments, including organs, pianos, handbells, hymn         books and robes.

     (ii) Flower Committee. A Flower Committee shall consist of a minimum of three persons, one or two to be elected at each annual                   meeting to serve for two years. The Committee shall be responsible for providing flowers in the church sanctuary and other appropriate             locations. Such responsibility will include arrangements for memorial flowers, decorations for special observances and any other such                 appropriate action.

     (iii) Pastor / Parish Relations Committee. The Pastor / Parish Relations Committee shall consist of the chairperson of the Board of             Deacons, a full member of the church designated by the Senior Pastor, a full member of the church designated by the Associate Pastor and         a full member of the church designated by the agreement of the Pastors and the chairperson of the Board of Deacons. Their term shall be         for one year, commencing immediately following the annual meeting and ending upon the next annual meeting. The Pastor / Parish                   Relations Committee shall meet at least quarterly with each or both of the pastors as they shall determine necessary. They shall also meet         at the request of either Pastor, at the request of any member of the committee, or at any other time(s) upon which they may agree.


     The Pastor / Parish Relations  Committee shall have exclusive control of its own internal organization and may, but shall not be required to,         elect a chairperson. The Pastor/parish Relations Committee shall address issues of the relationship of the Pastors to the Congregation, the         Congregation to the Pastors, and the Pastors to each other.


(B) Prudential Board

The Prudential Board shall consist of not more than six full members of the Church, two of whom shall be elected at each annual meeting to serve for three years, and the Moderator, Assistant Moderator, Cleric, Assistant Clerk, Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer, and Chairperson of the Property Committee. The Moderator shall preside until a chairperson is elected from the members-at-large. The Board shall be responsible for management of the business and financial affairs of the Church, which includes the preparation of the Church budget and raising and payment of funds to carry on the work of the Church, The Board shall function as the fiduciary agent for all invested funds. The Board shall also negotiate, execute, and oversee all formal and informal arrangements involving the use of Church space. The Board shall also be responsible for the performance of the Church office staff and sexton. The buying and selling of real estate shall be done only with the approval; by vote, of the Congregation.


Members shall be ineligible for reelection for one year after serving a full term.


The Board shall appoint an Investment Advisum, consisting of three persons, all of whom shall be members of the Church, one of whom shall be appointed each year to serve for three years, plus the Treasurer of the Church. On or before the end of each calendar quarter they shall meet and review all investments of the Church. They shall provide the Prudential Board with a written list of recommended changes before the 7the day of the following month, explaining the reasons for the recommendations.


The Prudential Board shall be responsible for general oversight and communication with the following Committees:


     (i) Auditing Committee. An Auditing Committee shall consist of two persons, one to be elected at each annual meeting to serve for two         years, who shall audit the accounts of the Treasurer and report at the annual meeting,

     (ii) Property Committee. The Property Committee shall consist of four persons, two of whom shall be elected at each annual meeting to         serve for two years. The Moderator shall be a member ex-officio of the Committee. The Committee shall select a chairperson, who shall also       serve as a member of the Prudential Board, The Committee shall be responsible for routine maintenance of all Church owned real estate, as       well as oversight of all capital improvement and major maintenance projects. Structural changes and major capital expenditures shall only         be made with the approval of the Congregation. 9 In all property matters relating to church user issues, decisions of the Prudential Board          shall be binding on the Property Committee,

    (iii) Endowment Committee. The Endowment Committee shall consist of three persons, one or two to be elected at each annual meeting      to serve for two years. The Committee shall meet at least twice per year and shall select a chairperson, who shall be responsible for                  coordinating promotional efforts of the Committee and education of its members. The responsibilities of the Committee shall be; a) to                propose an Endowment Policy to the Congregation, which shall govern the administration of the Endowment Program and establish the              Program's structure, general Investment policy, and Spending and Gifting Plan, b) to adopt and maintain an ongoing program to promote          growth of the endowment funds and c) to serve as resource persons to potential donors. The Endowment Policy shall be reviewed every two      years, and the results reported at the annual meeting of the Congregation.

(C) Board of Christian Education

The Board of Christian Education shall consist of not more than 15 persons. At least 8 (or a majority) members of the Board of Christian Education shall be full members of the church. Three to five members shall be elected each year at the annual meeting for a term of three years. A person shall be ineligible for reelection for one year after serving a full term. The Board shall be responsible for the Church School teachers and officers; the selection and coordination of curricula to be taught in the Church School; adult Christian education and sharing supervision with the Board of Deacons of the Director of Christian Education. The Board shall also provide leadership and direction for the youth fellowships, Management of the Church Library shall be a responsibility of the Board, and an ad hoc committee may be appointed to administer it.


(D) Board of Social Action and Mission

The Board of Social Action and Mission shall consist of not more than 15 persons, three to five members shall be elected each year at the annual meeting for a term of three years. At least 8 (or a majority) members of the Board of Social Action and Mission shall be full members of the Church. The Board of Social Action and Mission shall promote consideration of social issues, as related to Christian principles, in the fields of international, governmental, civic, economic, intercultural, interracial, family, and school affairs. The Board shall provide for the social education and propose and foster social action for the Church and its organizations. The Board shall also be responsible for the preparation and execution of the several activities of the Church within the area of both home and foreign missions. They shall provide for the missionary education and instruction of the members of the Church, and of the Church School, In all matters pertaining to our outreach at home and abroad. They shall present a budget proposal to the Prudential Board. The Board shall be responsible for general oversight and communication with the following Committee: 

     (i) Scholarship Committee. A Scholarship Committee shall consist of a minimum of four persons, all of whom shall be full members of           the Church, two of whom shall be elected at each annual meeting to serve for two years, and one of the Pastors (to be designated by the           Senior Pastor), the Assistant Moderator, and an Assistant Treasurer. The term of office shall run from August 1 through July 31. The                   Scholarship Committee shall administer the Robert L. Rasche, Ruth M. Glines Cannon and Marliese Braitinger Goehring Scholarship Funds           and any other scholarship funds that may arise, determine the amount and number of Scholarships to be awarded, and be responsible for         the distribution of applications and selection of recipients.


Section 3. Nominating Committee. The Nominating Committee shall consist of six persons, all full members of the Church, three to be elected each year at the annual meeting, to serve two years. It shall be the duty of the Nominating Committee to make nominations at the annual meeting or any other duly called meeting for all vacant offices, boards, committees, delegates, and representatives, except those of Pastor, Assistant or Associate Pastor, Director of Music or Director of Christian Education. The Nominating Committee is not aligned with any particular Board but shall make its report and nominations to the Church Council and Congregation. When mailing its nominations, the Nominating Committee should attempt to represent the diversity of the church membership at large.


Notwithstanding the Nominating Committee's charge to nominate candidates for any positions for election at the annual meeting, any opportunity to make nominations from the floor shall be provided whenever elections are to take place.


Section 4. Delegates. Delegates of the Church, all of whom shall be full members of the Church, shall be elected at each annual meeting to serve two years; if possible, alternates should be designated. Delegates shall represent the Congregation and shall report to the Congregation directly or through the Church Council.


     (a) to the Essex Association of the Massachusetts Conference of the United Church of Christ; as many as appropriate under the Association's       rule of two plus one additional delegate for each two hundred members or major fraction thereof over two hundred members, to represent         the Congregation at Association meetings, services of recognition, ecclesiastical councils for ordination and installation, etc.

     (b) to the Massachusetts Conference of the United Church of Christ; as many as appropriate under the Conference's rule of two plus one           additional delegate for each three hundred members or major fraction thereof in excess of a multiple of three hundred, as broadly                     representative as possible, to represent the Congregation at the meeting of the Conference held at various locations through the Conference       areas. 

Section 5. Representatives. Persons may be elected at each annual meeting to serve one year as institutional representatives to such organizations or programs as may be required.


Section 6, Boards, Committees, General.

(a) Term of Service. The terms of all elected positions shall commence immediately following the annual meeting, except for members of the Scholarship Committee and the Massachusetts Conference delegates, whose terms shall run from August 1 through July 31 of each year. Delegates, representatives, and committee members are eligible for reelection immediately following their terms. Church Council members-at-large and Board members serve for three years, and are eligible for reelection only after the expiration of one year following a full term of service.


(b) Membership.

     (i) General Provisions. Persons from the parish, not members of the Church, may be invited to serve on boards or committees except where       church membership is noted as a prerequisite. Committee membership may be expanded as the need arises upon vote by the Church                 Council. Subcommittees or ad hoc committees may be formed; at least one member of the parent board or committee shall be a member of       any such subcommittee or ad hoc committee.


    (ii) Youth Membership. One additional position will be made available on each Church Board and Committee, as designated in these              bylaws, to be filled by a high-school aged person when such youth representatives are available and willing to serve. The youth member will      be responsible for and subject to the same policies, regulations, and privileges of the particular Board or Committee. Election to the Board or      Committee will be accomplished based on the recommendation of the Christian Education Board and Pastors to the Nominating Committee.        The term will be for s period of one year and will be voted on at the annual meeting.


(c) Meetings. Any member or friend of the Church may attend meetings of standing boards and committees, except when in executive session. Minutes of all standing boards and committees shall be posted on the bulletin boards in the church office and in the narthex of the Church. Special meetings may be called by request of two members or by one of the Pastors or by the Moderator. All boards and committees shall elect their own chairpersons. The order of proceedings at all meetings of the boards and committees, not otherwise prescribed in these bylaws, shall be determined by the rules of practice contained in Robert's Rules of Order, Revised. The provisions of this paragraph that require meetings to be open and require the posting of minutes shall not apply to the Pastor / Parish Relations Committee.


(d) Automatic Resignation. Any person elected to a board or committee who shall fail to attend two consecutive regular meetings thereof without an explanation of absence, or prior notification, or fail to attend four consecutive meetings tor any reason, shall be considered to have resigned. It shall be the responsibility of the board or committee involved to determine whether to accept a resignation and to notify the Moderator of the vacancy. 


(e) Declaration to the Media. No person, board or committee shall have the authority to publicly claim to convey a position, attitude or feeling of the Church to the media without the specific approval by a three-fourths vote of the Congregation at a duly called meeting. Article XI - Allied Organizations All other associated organizations, such as men's, women's, and youth societies, working in the interests of the Church, are regarded as integral parts of the Church and shall be represented on the Church Council. Any group of persons whose purpose and conduct are consistent with the objectives of the Church may, with the consent of the Church Council, associate themselves, and elect such officers, and establish such bylaws as they deem wise, providing they do not conflict with the bylaws of the Church. Each organization shall make an annual written report on its activities to the Church at the Church's annual meeting.


Each organization may raise, accumulate, and expend funds at their own discretion, providing: that such funds be kept and accounted for separately from any Church funds; that such funds remaining in these organizations at such time as they are finally and completely disbanded, shall revert to the Church treasury to be at the disposal of the Church.


Article XII – Meetings

Section 1 – Worship

     (a) Meetings for public worship shall be held on Sundays and at such time as may be approved by the Congregation, the Church Council, or       the Board of Deacons.

     (b) The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper shall be celebrated at such regular dates as the Congregation, the Church Council, or the Board of         Deacons may from time to time determine; and unless otherwise provided, upon the first Sunday of alternate months, on World Wide                 Communion Sunday and Maundy Thursday.

Section 2 - Business

     (a) The annual meeting shall be held in May, on a date specified by the Moderator, at which meeting, the annual reports shall be presented;       officers, boards, committees, delegates, and representatives elected; and such other business transacted as may be specified in the call, or         otherwise properly brought before the meeting. This meeting shall be called by the Clerk by notice posted on the bulletin board In the               narthex of the Church, at least seven days before the time of said meeting, and notice of such meeting shall be read during the worship             service on the preceding Sunday.


     (b) Special meetings shall be called upon the written request of five full members of the Church, or by the Moderator, specifying the object         thereof; which call shall be by notice as provided for the annual meeting.

     (c) The order of proceedings at all business meetings and the duties of the Moderator, not otherwise prescribed in these bylaws, shall be           determined by the rules of practice contained in Robert's Rules of Order, Revised.

     (d) The Congregation, by the vote of its full members only, shall be the only authority with the power to sell, buy, mortgage, transfer, or in         any other way to encumber the real property of the Church.


Article XIII Amendments and Suspensions

Section 1. Amendments. These bylaws may be amended by a three-fourths vote of the full members at any duly called meeting of the Congregation, The call shall include the substance, at least, of such proposed amendment.


Section 2. Suspensions. These bylaws may be suspended at any duly called meeting of the Congregation by a three-fourths vote of the full members present.


Section 3. Enactment. These bylaws shall be in full force upon their acceptance.

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