An Open and Affirming Congregation
of the United Church of Christ
Sunday 9:30 AM
35 Conant Street, Beverly, MA 01915

Our Sunday worship services are Sunday mornings at 9:30.
Join us! All are welcome!
Worship at Second Congregational Church provides a nurturing atmosphere in which all people are invited to celebrate our mutual search for relationship with God. Through a harmonious union of prayer and praise, music, sermon, scripture and community, we explore our faith and praise God. This time together fosters support for each other and helps us adhere to our fundamental common goal of being together as a church family, demonstrating Christ’s kindness, compassion and unconditional love. We joyfully welcome guests into our community at any time.
Our worship experience inspires everyone to live more justly and generously, and moves us to serve others in and outside the church.
We rejoice in being together and celebrate each person as a beloved child of God, just as they are!

We welcome all singers and instrumentalists of all ages! If you have a musical skill or just love to sing, chances are that we can find a place for you at Second Church. Contact Marshunda or talk to her in person after worship!
Performs on most Sundays. We have a mix of abilities in the choir; some read music and some do not, some are trained and others just love to sing. Rehearsals are on Sunday mornings, before worship from 8:30 to 9:15 am. In the worship service, the choir usually sings an anthems and short responses. Special services are likely to have more music.
Handbell Choir
Handbells ring on an occasional or special Sunday. Music reading is required for this group, but previous experience with handbells is not necessary. Ringing is a beautiful way to make music for non-singers.
The Music Director works closely with with the pastor so that the music reinforces the themes of the scriptures and sermon. Music is chosen to be inspirational, so it is often upbeat, sometimes even humorous.
Music and community
Each performing group is a small community of Christian believers, so we always strive to behave in loving and supportive ways. We work hard, have fun, and pray together.

Visitation is an important mission for Second Church. Keeping close connections with those who are home-bound or unable to travel to church is a meaningful way that we show people of all ages and abilities that we love and value them. If requested, our pastor makes regular visits to folks who are unable to come to us.
In addition, the Pastor is always willing to make hospital calls. Of course, we can not visit if we don’t know, so please let us know if you need a little bit of love from your church family. By the way, all visits are confidential in nature.

Christian baptism is that ritual by which persons become part of the Universal Church. It symbolizes the death of the old self and birth of a new self in Christ. It initiates the process of growth in Christ.
Baptism is a sign of God’s grace. Perhaps there may be a new addition to your family whom you celebrate as a gift of God. Or perhaps as an adult you would like to get baptized. Baptism is a natural response in either case. Here are answers to some questions about the sacrament. To proceed further, call the office @ 978-922-5722. Please fill out the baptism form by clicking here and bring to your meeting with the pastor.
The time of death can be one of the most difficult experiences for all of us. We are very sensitive to the emotions involved and are well aware of the many decisions about a service which must be made in a short time. We will help you wade through these waters with compassion and an awareness of God’s continuing presence.
When death is anticipated or experienced, call the Church Office 978-922-5722. With this first call we can discuss the day, time, and place for the service. These plans are normally made in conjunction with the funeral home you choose. The minister will then arrange a meeting with the family to discuss details of the service. Please click here for more information.
Our beautiful sanctuary sets the scene for a wonderful wedding celebration. One of our Pastors would be happy to work with you to craft a service that meets your needs and traditions. Typically, they will meet with couples two or three times prior to a wedding rehearsal. The purpose of these meetings is so that a pastor can get to know you further as a couple and plan with you the wedding ceremony.
Our Music Director and/or Pianist are available for piano or cello selections, and we welcome any vocal or instrumental soloists you might invite to share in this celebration.
United Church of Christ congregations are often a suitable “neutral ground” for couples of differing faith backgrounds, as we do not require church membership or baptism for couples. For those who are non-members of this congregation, there are a small number of reasonable fees for building usage and the work of our pastoral, musical, and custodial staff.
Our pastor will be available to work with you in making your wedding plans. Clergy from outside our church may assist in the service, at the discretion of our Pastor. The formal pronouncement of the marriage and the signing of the legal license shall be done by the 2nd Congregational Church Pastor.
If you are interested in getting married at Second Church, please click here for more information.

To support youth in furthering their education, Second Church has a Scholarship Team that administers the Second Congregational Church Scholarship funds to worthy recipients. We invite area high school and technical school seniors and college students to apply for this scholarship.
Awards will be given to students, without regard to religious affiliation, place of residence, race, color, national origin, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, or disability.
Awards will be made to those whose experiences and values are in keeping with the United Church of Christ’s social justice mandates centering on equality for all, having exhibited a willingness to educate or serve others in a chosen career, and having a need for financial assistance.
If you are interested in applying for this scholarship, please click here to download the Application Form.